PROJECT F ® -  PROCleen - All purpose cleaner and odour eliminator
PROJECT F ® -  PROCleen - All purpose cleaner and odour eliminator
PROJECT F ® -  PROCleen - All purpose...

PROJECT F ® - PROCleen - All purpose cleaner and odour eliminator

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(€19.80 za liter)

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An all-purpose, concentrated cleaner that permanently removes unpleasant odours at the molecular level. It is suitable for cleaning and degreasing various surfaces such as plastics, textiles, rubber.



PROJECT F ® -  PROCleen - All purpose cleaner and odour eliminator:

Universal concentrated cleaner for various surfaces and materials. Effectively removes unpleasant odors. Contains a fresh and non-violent scent of watermelon and kiwi

Color: yellow

Dilution: Depending on the dirtiness of surfaces, this product can be diluted with water up to 1:20.

Manual for use for plastics, lacquered and unpainted surfaces, rubber:

  1. Shake before use.
  2. Work in the shade and cool on the surface.
  3. Spray APC on a microfiber or cleaning area at a distance of about 20 cm.
  4. Let it work for a while, or break down the dirt with a detailing brush or a soft brush that will release the flesh and other dirt.
  5. Do not allow the product to dry.
  6. Wipe dry or wash with water.

Manual for use for techtil, alcantara:

  1. Shake before use.
  2. Work in the shade and cool on the surface.
  3. Clean and vacuum the surface from ordinary dirt first.
  4. Spray some distilled water onto the microfibre cloth and gently wipe the surface.
  5. Spray the APC onto the cleaned area at a distance of about 20 cm, so that the surface is not completely soaked.
  6. Let it work for a while, or break down the dirt with a soft brush, which also releases the flesh and other dirt.
  7. Do not allow the product to dry.
  8. Clean the surface with a clean microfiber to dry it dry.
  9. For textiles, the surface will remain slightly damp to dry out in a short time.

Tip for removing the smell of spilled old milk, vomit or leftover food with a spot carpet cleaner:

  1. Shake before use.
  2. Work in the shade and on a surface that is cool to the touch.
  3. Vacuum the surface thoroughly to remove larger particles
  4. Use the product in a concentrated form or in a diluted form (Depending on surface contamination, the product can be diluted with water in a ratio of up to 1:20. We recommend the use of distilled water. )
  5. Spray APC on the cleaned area at a distance of approx. 20 cm, so that the surface is not completely soaked.
  6. Let it work for a while, then brush thoroughly but carefully with the PROJECT-F soft brush for larger areas, you can use the PROJECT-F rotary brush for the drill.
  7. Do not allow the product to dry.
  8. Vacuum thoroughly with a spot carpet cleaner.
  9. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Warning! Keep out of the reach of children. Don't freeze, keep at room temperature. Please ensure cap is closed after each use. Use the product within 12 months from the date of opening.

Volume: 500 ml

Country of origin: Slovak Republic

16 Reviews

Overený zákazník
Výborný čistič.

Overený zákazník
Odporúčam, veľmi dobrý čistič. 😊

Overený zákazník
Veľká spokojnosť, príjemná vôňa, odstráni fľaky aj rôzne zápachy.

Overený zákazník
Veľmi užitočny, pre hobby autíčkara ale aj pre profi detailing (aspoň podľa mňa)
určite odporúčam
+príjemná vôňa

Overený zákazník
pekne vyčistil povrch aj od prachu aj iných nečistôt

Overený zákazník
mozem len odporucit super cisti a uzasne vonia

Overený zákazník
Pro cleen je veľmi dobrý produkt na čistenie plastov v aute, dobre sa nanáša pomocou rozprašovača a povrch pekne vyčistí, určite odporúčam.

Overený zákazník
Skvelý produkt čo sa týka škvŕn, zápachu a znečisteni látok napr.sedadiel v aute, kobercov a podobne. Odporúčam

Overený zákazník
Výborný čistič ,odstaril z plastu aj škvrny ktoré som iným čisticom nedokázal odstrániť až som bol prekvapený, krásna melónova vôňa.

Overený zákazník
Super vôňa, veľmi dobre spolupracuje s štetcom. Taktiež uzasny produkt nemôžem sa sťažovať.

Overený zákazník

Overený zákazník
S produktom som nadmieru spokojný.

Overený zákazník
Ďalší skvelý produkt, používal som neriedený, takže z neho ubudlo trochu viac ale čistiaci efekt perfektný. Spolupracoval s HardBrush štetcom, išlo to perfektne. Asi poškodím kšeftom ale nie je potrebný ani Sateen, pretože čistič zanecháva povrch v stave hneď k používaniu

Overený zákazník
Super čistič a pohlcovač pachov odporučam

Overený zákazník
Mal som zatuchnuty koberec a dosť mi to pomohlo

Overený zákazník
maximalna spokojnost